Terms & Conditions
Exclusions & Terms
- Any recommended repairs while performing maintenance visits are excluded.
- Additional sensors available for purchase.
- HVAC system(s) must be operational to perform regularly scheduled maintenance.
- Emergency Services are no cooling, no heating. All other services are not considered an emergency service.
- Supply of air filters are not included in the program benefits.
- Loyalty Credits: No cash value. Applicable to New AC-Heating System purchase only. Not applicable on previous purchases or subscription fees. Void upon cancellation.
- The Cool Club membership is non-refundable, if the first visit has been performed or the amount of the discounts you received on your repairs have exceeded the price of the membership you purchased. Your signature approving the estimate and the acknowledgement of services rendered will serve as your approval of this service contract.
Larson App Privacy and Data Practices The Larson App is developed and maintained by SmartAC.com, Inc. As such, any data collection and privacy practices associated with the Larson App are governed by SmartAC.com, Inc.’s privacy policy. For details on how your information is handled when using the Larson App, please review SmartAC’s Privacy Policy